5 Easy Steps to Download Local Version of ChatGPT in 2024

Chuck Hollis

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Download Local Version of ChatGPT

There is no official way to download a local version of ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI model created by OpenAI that runs on their servers and is accessed through a web interface or API.

It is not open-source software that can be downloaded and run locally. However, some third-party developers have created unofficial apps or extensions that claim to provide ChatGPT functionality, but these are not endorsed by OpenAI.

In this article, we will explore the process of downloading and setting up a local instance of ChatGPT.

We’ll guide you through the necessary steps and provide a sample code to help you interact with the model on your own machine. Get ready to harness the power of ChatGPT in your local environment!

Remember: The only official ways to use ChatGPT are through the ChatGPT website with a free or paid subscription, through the API for developers, or in select partner integrations like Microsoft Bing. Attempting to download or run an unofficial local version carries risks of using an unauthorized, unsupported, and potentially unsafe application.

5 Steps to Download ChatGPT Locally?

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

First, update your system to ensure you have the latest packages:


-sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This command updates the package list and upgrades installed packages to their latest versions.

Next, install Python and pip:


-sudo apt install python3 python3-pip -y

This installs Python 3 and the pip package manager, which are needed to run ChatGPT.

Finally, install PyTorch with CUDA support using pip:


-pip install torch torchvision torchaudio –extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

This command installs the latest version of PyTorch along with torchvision and torchaudio libraries. The –extra-index-url flag specifies to use of the CUDA 11.8 builds of PyTorch.

After running these commands, you will have updated your system and installed Python, pip, and PyTorch with CUDA support. You are now ready to proceed to the next step of downloading the ChatGPT model.

Step 2: Download the ChatGPT Model

First, clone the ChatGPT model repository from GitHub:


-git clone https://github.com/openai/chatgpt.git

This command clones the official ChatGPT repository from OpenAI to your local machine.

Next, download the pre-trained model weights. The specific file to download depends on the model size you want to use. For example, to download the 117M parameter model:


– Wget https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/gpt-2/models/117M/model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001

– wget https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/gpt-2/models/117M/model.ckpt.index  

– wget https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/gpt-2/models/117M/model.ckpt.meta

These commands download the model checkpoint files for the 117M parameter GPT-2 model that ChatGPT is based on.

Finally, place the downloaded model files into the cloned chatgpt repository directory:

– bash

– mv model.ckpt* chatgpt/models/117M/

This moves the model checkpoint files into the appropriate directory within the cloned repository.

After completing these steps, you will have the ChatGPT model source code and pre-trained weights available locally on your machine. You can then proceed to the next steps to set up the environment and run ChatGPT.

Keep in mind that the official ChatGPT model is not publicly released by OpenAI. The steps above download the open-source GPT-2 model that ChatGPT is based on, but it may not include the latest fine-tuning and optimizations used in the actual ChatGPT model. Some functionality and performance may differ compared to the official ChatGPT API.

Step 3: Set Up a Virtual Environment

First, navigate to the cloned chatgpt repository directory:


-cd chatgpt

Next, create a new virtual environment called chatgpt-env using the venv module:


-python3 -m venv chatgpt-env

This command creates a new virtual environment in a directory named chatgpt-env within the current directory.

Finally, activate the newly created virtual environment:


-source chatgpt-env/bin/activate

On Linux and macOS, use the source command followed by the path to the activate script located in the bin directory of the virtual environment.

After running this command, your shell prompt will indicate that the chatgpt-env virtual environment is active. Any Python packages you install using pip will now be installed in this isolated environment.

Some additional tips:

Use a short and descriptive name for your virtual environment directory, such as venv or .venv.

Exclude the virtual environment directory from version control by adding it to .gitignore.

To deactivate the virtual environment, simply run deactivate.

To reactivate an existing virtual environment, re-run the source command with the path to activate.

With the virtual environment created and activated, you are ready to proceed to install the required Python packages for running ChatGPT.

Step 4: Install Required Python Packages

Use the following command to install all the packages listed in your requirements.txt file:


-pip install -r requirements.txt

This tells pip to read the requirements.txt file and install each package listed inside of it.

Pip will output information about the installation process as it happens:


Collecting package1==1.0.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))

  Downloading package1-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Collecting package2>=2.0.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))

  Downloading package2-2.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Installing collected packages: package1, package2

Successfully installed package1-1.0.0 package2-2.0.1

This shows pip downloading and installing the specified versions of package1 and package. To verify the installations were successful, you can use the pip list command to display all installed packages in the current environment:


pip list

Look for the packages you just installed in the output:


Package    Version

———- ——-

package1   1.0.0

package2   2.0.1

If you see the expected packages and versions listed, the installation was successful.

Some additional tips:

You can use pip freeze to output a list of installed packages in requirements format. Redirecting this output to a file creates a new requirements.txt based on the current environment.

The pip show <package> command displays detailed information about an installed package, including its version, dependencies, and install location.

By following these steps, you can easily install multiple Python packages and their dependencies by specifying them in a requirements.txt file. This helps keep your environments consistent and reproducible.

Step 5: Run ChatGPT Locally

With the virtual environment activated and the required packages installed, you can now run the ChatGPT script.

Navigate to the directory where the chatgpt.py script is located and run it using Python:


python3 chatgpt.py

This will launch the ChatGPT command line interface.

You can now interact with ChatGPT by typing your prompts or questions at the command line. ChatGPT will generate responses based on the input you provide.

For example:


> What is the capital of France?

Paris is the capital and largest city of France.[1]

> What are some famous landmarks in Paris? 

Some of the most famous landmarks in Paris include:

– The Eiffel Tower – An iconic wrought-iron tower built in 1889[1]  

– The Louvre – The world’s largest art museum and historic monument[1]

– Notre-Dame Cathedral – A medieval Catholic cathedral known for its French Gothic architecture[2]

– Arc de Triomphe – A monument honoring those who fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars[1]

– Sacré-Cœur – A Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located on the summit of Montmartre[2]

To exit the ChatGPT interface, you can press Ctrl+C or type quit at the prompt.

Some additional tips:

Use the up/down arrow keys to cycle through your prompt history

Use Ctrl+C to interrupt ChatGPT if it’s taking too long to generate a response

If you encounter errors, make sure you have activated the virtual environment and installed all required packages

Refer to the ChatGPT documentation for more advanced usage, such as configuring model parameters

By following these steps, you can run a local instance of ChatGPT and interact with it through the command line interface. This allows you to experiment with the powerful language model without relying on a web API.

Why Download a Local Version of ChatGPT?

There are several compelling reasons to download a local version of ChatGPT. One of the primary benefits is the ability to access and use the powerful language model offline, without relying on an internet connection. 

This allows you to engage in meaningful conversations and seek assistance from ChatGPT even in environments with limited or no internet access, such as during long flights or in remote areas. 

Additionally, running ChatGPT locally ensures greater privacy and security, as your conversations and data remain on your own device, reducing the risk of sensitive information being exposed. 

Moreover, a local installation of ChatGPT offers the flexibility to customize and extend the model’s capabilities according to your specific needs, enabling you to fine-tune the system for tasks like customer service, content creation, or personal assistance.

Prerequisites for Running ChatGPT Locally

To run ChatGPT locally, you’ll need a capable computer with sufficient computational resources. The most important component is a powerful GPU, such as a high-end NVIDIA graphics card, which can handle the intensive processing required by the model. 

Additionally, while ChatGPT can run on various operating systems, Linux (particularly Ubuntu) is recommended for optimal performance and compatibility. You’ll also need at least 16GB of RAM to support the model’s memory requirements. 

Finally, some basic knowledge of the command line is necessary to navigate the installation and setup process.

Keep in mind that OpenAI has not publicly released the full version of GPT-3 for local use, so you may need to use their API to interact with the model.

FAQ Section

Can I download ChatGPT for offline use?

Yes, it is possible to download and run ChatGPT locally for offline use. This requires installing the necessary dependencies and model weights on a machine with sufficient computational resources. Once set up, ChatGPT can function offline without an internet connection. 

Can you run ChatGPT4 locally?

Currently, there is no official way to run ChatGPT-4 locally. The GPT-4 model is only accessible through the ChatGPT web interface or API for users with access.

Some third-party projects claim to offer offline ChatGPT-4, but these are unofficial and may have limitations compared to the real model. 

How to download ChatGPT on a desktop?

OpenAI recently announced an official ChatGPT desktop app, but it appears to be gradually rolling out to users.

The download link is supposed to be available in the user menu on the ChatGPT website, but many users report not seeing it yet. Availability may currently be limited to certain regions. 

Can I download ChatGPT on mobile?

There is currently no official ChatGPT mobile app from OpenAI. While some unofficial third-party apps claim to provide ChatGPT functionality on mobile devices, these are not endorsed by OpenAI. For now, the only official way to access ChatGPT on mobile is through a web browser.


Running a local instance of ChatGPT offers several advantages, such as the ability to access and use the powerful language model offline without relying on an internet connection. It also allows for customization and experimentation with the model’s parameters. 

However, the process does require a capable computer with sufficient RAM and GPU resources, as well as some technical setup steps involving the command line. 

By following the outlined steps to install dependencies, download the model, set up a virtual environment, and install required packages, you can successfully run ChatGPT locally and interact with it through a command line interface anytime.

Chuck Hollis

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